Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chicago: Day 14

Dear Diary,

I'm currently at Starbucks now, along Lincoln Avenue typing this. The weather here is great. I'm out on the patio enjoying the fine weather. I did the same thing yesterday. Seems like i've developed a little routine this week - I would go for morning mass at St Clement's, then head to Starbucks for coffee and update my blogs. Thereafter, I'll head home around lunch time, put my laptop down, hang around for awhile until I'm hungry, before trooping down W. Armitage Avenue towards Clark St to grab lunch. I'll then chill at Lincoln Park until 4 p.m. when Steph knocks off from work. 

It actually feels kinda "sinful" to be this free, but you know what? I'm slowly beginning to enjoy it.  I realise as a Singaporean, I don't really know what it means to just relax and do absolutely nothing. I'm always running around, trying to get something done all the time (either physically, mentally or emotionally!).  I mean really, really relax. The "lie-on-the-grass-and-soak-up-the-sun" kind. 

It's strange cause I find it unbelievable that I have this luxury of time to just "be", for once. And yet, I'm not sure how I should use it.

Yesterday just felt absolutely wonderful - I grabbed an Italian Dog from The Dog Joint (a beef sausage in a poppy seed hotdog bun topped with mustard, pickle relish, onions, dill pickle spear, tomato, cucumbers and celery salt), plopped myself down on the grass at the park and tucked into my meal. It felt good~ I just sat there, watching people, feeling the sun on my face and enjoying every sight, taste and sound. It felt good not being in a hurry.

Families came with their kids. Some ran around while others laughed and rolled around on the grass. There was a couple hugging and lying together, napping in the shade while a group of young women had their lunch on the grass beside me. Some singles sat reading on the benches as old women gathered and chattered together. It was amazing. I just couldn't help wondering - don't some of them have to work?? How do they afford the time to do all of this??

In the evening, Steph came home and we finished up the leftovers from yesterday's Thai meal. We also did some laundry before taking a walk down W. Armitage to get me a storevalue CTA ticket (in case I wanted to explore town). On the way back, I spotted a small side-street ice cream store that was gathering a queue (*a big hint of good food*) So we got ourselves a delicious summer treat:)

Welcome to W Armitage Ave. A place with upmarket shops.
A neighbourhood favourite, quietly tucked away
from the glitz and glamour of the main street
Check out the menu on the board. 
It's amazing how many flavours this tiny shop has to offer!
Indulging in a SMALL cup of Mocha Almond Fudge
(which could easily fit three scoops of ice cream!)

p.s. Oh yes, a quick update on the toilet - Cheng asked if I could give Alex (the maintenance guy) a call to fix the ceiling. Alex explained that the ceiling had caved in due to a pipe leakage from the unit upstairs. He's gotten the pipe fixed but the painter will only come in to fix the bathroom ceiling on Saturday. I asked if he could help us clear up the mess as there's debris and cement all over the place.  He was soon there and we got to enjoy a squeaky clean bathroom for the entire night. Unfortunately though, the ceiling caved in further again this morning - now there's a massive hole in the ceiling:

Thank goodness Steph wasn't hit (he was using the bathroom then :P) Can't wait till Saturday!

p.p.s The bridesmaid dress finally arrived! It was delivered yesterday. I returned home to find a parcel waiting at the door!

The David's Bridal Apple halter I've been eyeing ;)

Now, I'm left with getting it altered...

1 comment:

  1. W. Armitage Ave looks like a really cute place to be! And the park is the perfect picture of summer with gulls swooping and kids running after them. Lol...

    Must take picture of bridesmaid dress once you're altered it!
